Bogs, Barrels & Birdmen, an alternative UK travel guide by Susie Brown
Over a period of nearly 10 years I have been compiling a comprehensive travel guide to around 200 of the biggest, oldest and most extraordinary events and traditions held throughout the UK.
Ancient customs such as The Dunmow Flitch Trials which dates back to the 1100’s, contrasts with the absurd annual Bog Snorkelling contest held in a small Welsh village. Events don't have to be hundreds of years old and steeped in history to capture people’s imagination. I have travelled the length and breadth of the country, photographing, interviewing and documenting each event. From the controversial Darkie Day in Cornwall on 1st January, to the flaming spectacular Swinging the Fireballs in Scotland on New Year's Eve; I have spent my weekends alternately with daredevils and Morris Dancers, and met the thousands of people who come out, whatever the weather, to join them. If you would like to tell me about an event that you think I should be covering, or maybe we've met somewhere along the way and you would like to say a quick 'Hello!', then please get in touch via my contact page. I hope that you enjoy the photos I have published on this site. |